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Montefegatesi is situated 842meters above sea level,its the highest village of Bagni di Lucca and is 15 kilometers from the town.There are two roads to the village,the first along the road of La Controneria and to the right at the ruins of the oratory of San Rocco, the second is from Ponte a Serraglio, passing through Granaiola,Pieve di Monte di Villa, Monte di Villa and going towards the church of Sant’Anna.Looking at Montefegatesi it seems to be attached to a rock.It’s name comes from the colour of the clay present in most of the territory(liver-fegato),and mountain(monte) that rises from the stream Fegana,making the name place Montefegatesi.

The History
The name is first remembered in a a parchment in the archiepiscopal files of the year 983 and in 991 in the last one the bishop of Lucca Teudegrimo takes away some possessions of Montefegatesi which belonged to Visconte Fraolmo,of the noble family Corvaresi di Versilia.In 1245 the Emperor Federico II gave back Montefegatesi to Lucca and doing so gave the inhabitants all the rights of citizens of Lucca, this was renewed in 1248.Montefegatesi had a vitale strategy importance as a sentry of the republic bording with Modena.In 1449 it was given the concession by the Republic to separate from the Val di Lima, this allowed the inhabitants privileges like no tax paying and the administration of the justice.Because of the geographic position of the village it was an indisputable outpost for the eventuale wars against the Dukedom of Modena and the Grandduke of Tuscany.In 1539 it became part of the Val di Lima but keeping its privileges.During the war between Lucca and Modena in 1613 the village surrendered with its statutes conserving only two, one of the 14th century and the other of 1740.The parish church is dedicated to San Frediano Vescovo built in the 13th century, but restored and extended in 1771.The organ inside is dated 1798.Under the lodge inside the church there has been made a gallery of archaeological findings.Montefegatesi was particular for its Freethinker Movement used by lots of families brought by the emigrants.The founder of this movement became well known only on the day of his funeral when his coffin was brought to the cemetery drapped with a white flag of the “Association of the Freethinker”. Montefegatesi has also dedicated a monument to Dante Alighieri on top of the village it was built in 1908 by a sculptor of Lucca F.Petroni,wher this monument is placed theres a fantastic view of Monte Rondinaio,delle Tre Potenze,il Mosca, Pratofiorito and il Coronato.Another characteristic of the village is that alot of the old people had a fair knowledge of classic literature from Omero,Virgilio,Dante and Ariosto.From these readings they have heritage forenames of many local people like;Anchise,Aiace,Creso and Egeo.There are also monuments to Garibaldi and Vittorio Emanuele.

Famous People
Domenico Batoli(1629-1698)author of songs and hymns

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